Mission Statement
Underground Church: Imperfect followers of God transforming our lives, our neighborhood, and our world through the power of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Take Root:
We seek to move in, become a part of the story of our neighborhood, and partner with the ways that the Holy Spirit has already been a part of our neighborhood. We seek for our church to create a thriving community in which everyone is welcome, no matter what. We want to seek out the broken and lost in our neighborhood and embrace them with open arms. We seek to become a family of God in which we bear each other’s burdens and journey together as we live out the kingdom of Jesus Christ in our neighborhood.
We know that God loves us too much to let us stay the same. We seek to become a “new creation” in Jesus Christ. We want to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit as God heals our brokenness, overcomes our addictions, and inspires us as ministers of reconciliation in our community. We seek to become true disciples of Jesus Christ, as each person in our church is being discipled and is discipling others. We desire to find and grow our spiritual gifts, and empower everyone in our church in leadership and the mission of God.
Bear Fruit:
We want every person in our church to become a part of something bigger than themselves. We want to be a part of a movement as the Holy Spirit transforms Pontiac and transforms our neighborhood. We seek to build more and more friendships and seek out new opportunities to fellowship in our community. We want to transform our neighborhood in love and service, partnering with and empowering our neighbors in the renewal of God’s creation as we share in the kingdom of God in our community.

What does our church look like?
Every Sunday we gather together at 6:00, sing a few songs, dwell in Scripture, pray, take communion, and discuss how we see God working in our lives and our community. We are regular people who are all trying to figure out what Jesus is calling us to in our daily lives. We follow every church service with a meal together, where we can fellowship and laugh and have fun together. On Mondays nights, we have a neighborhood soccer game (in the warmer months) at 6:00, followed by Home Bible studies at 7:00. We eat pizza, talk about the Bible, talk about our lives, and pray together. We have a lot of fun together and we are all growing in our relationships with Jesus and growing together as a community.
Minister: Dylan Pyeatt
Dylan grew up in Kingsport, TN. He went to college at Harding University where he received a B.A. in Missions and Youth and Family Ministry. He then received a Masters of Religious Education Degree from Rochester College in Missional Leadership. He was an Associate Minister at Tintern Church of Christ in Beamsville, Ontario for four years before moving to Pontiac in 2013. Dylan prefers a proliferation of leadership in our church, believing in empowering the "priesthood of all believers" as we partner with our neighbors and friends to find the ways God is already at work in our community. He loves this neighborhood with all his heart and is excited for all the amazing ways the Holy Spirit is working here. Dylan loves playing guitar, playing board games, watching sports, and playing really bad at soccer. He will die an early death due to rooting for the Dallas Cowboys.